Monday Feb 25, 2019
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Enjoy this extremely profound meditation that will assist you with opening and coming in tune with your psychic abilities. Join Michelle in this powerful deep meditation! Tens of thousands of people have downloaded this popular and dynamic guided meditation to open their third eye!
Clairvoyance Meditation: This powerful, deep meditation is designed to assist you in opening your clairvoyance ability also known as clear seeing. This is the first meditation of a series of meditations in the collection, Tuning into Your Clair Abilities.
As we prepare ourselves to open the doorway to our intuitive selves, it’s important to clear the channel through which the higher information and energy flows. We also want to raise our vibrational frequency in order to connect with the higher realms. We achieve this by releasing low vibration energies, opening and balancing our chakras and the finally enveloping our energy in a golden divine light of protection. Whether you are a professional intuitive or healer or simply interested in awakening and developing your own intuition, this guided meditation will assist you in your psychic development journey. This guided meditation will help you open to and hone your own clear seeing (clairvoyance) gift and shift your energy vibration so that you can connect with higher realms.
Monday Feb 18, 2019
How to Release Pain and Emotional Turmoil
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Pain no more! Are you dealing with pain from the past? Sometimes we have unresolved and painful emotions that we need to face head-on. Doing so ultimately brings us peace of mind and harmony not only with this person, issue or event but it’s also essential to maintaining mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health and well-being. Hiding, burying, denying emotional pain compounds the matter and the unresolved emotion only resurfaces, albeit in time, much stronger. This toxicity can manifest as insomnia, hostility, and anger, or fear and anxiety.
It’s essential to learn how to process these feelings of anger and fear lest you internalize these highly charged emotions and falsely begin believing the issue was your fault. Guilt is one these single most destruction and worthless emotions depleting not only our spiritual life force, but impacting our physical and emotional selves through feelings of exhaustion, apathy, and ultimately depression.
The good news? You can learn to quickly identify these painful emotions and in moments dissipate them from your space. Join Michelle as she walks you through a powerful 7 step exercise to release and resolve pain and emotional turmoil.
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Introducing the first Q&A episode with Michelle Beltran
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Q&A Episode 1 with Michelle! We’re excited to share we’ve got a new question and answer series at The Intuitive Hour. Michelle will be devoting full episodes to your questions on anything metaphysical! This includes psychic development and psychic functioning, mediumship, controlled remote – whatever piques your curiosity! Questions on auras, astral travel, spirit guides or psychometry? Perhaps you have a unique question about how to perform psychic and medium readings on yourself and others? Are you an Empath trying to navigate this ability, and have questions? These are just a few things we can look at! Leave your question below!
In today's Q&A Episode, Michelle answers the following questions in detail:
1. How would you describe what being a psychic means?
2. What is the difference between being psychic and simply being intuitive?
3. What do you say to critics that don't trust the notion of psychic abilities?
4. What are the signs or characteristics of someone who would make a great candidate for psychic training?
5. What is the first, essential step to take in honing what you call psychic "sense-abilities"?
Be sure to email your questions to mbeltran@michellebeltran.com and we might address your question! (Respectful of your privacy, we will not disclose over the air the names of those who submit questions. We will only address the question submitted. If you would like us to include your name along with your question, please make this specific request.)
Monday Dec 10, 2018
How to Find Your Animal Totem
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Please join Michelle in this especially exciting episode as she teaches you all about animal spirit! You'll learn what animal totems are, why they are here for you, the spiritual power animal totems hold, how they influence our lives and how you can connect with your animal totem. Most importantly, Michelle guides you in a wonderfully insightful meditation to support you in finding your animal totem!