Friday Sep 23, 2022
3 Techniques to Access the Lucid Dreaming State
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
When most people think of dreams, they think of the typical dream in which you are unaware that you are dreaming. However, there is another type of dream called lucid dreaming in which you are aware that you are dreaming and can control the outcome of your dream. Lucid dreaming has many benefits, including improved mental clarity, psychic guidance, better decision-making skills, trauma healing, increased creativity, and more!
Join Michelle and learn 3 techniques to get into this powerful lucid dreaming space!
@12:36 - 3 techniques to access the lucid dreaming state
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You are welcome to access Michelle's FREE Controlled Remote Viewing exercise that will empower you to uncover answers to your burning questions about lost objects, events, or people in the past, present, or future. Visit MichelleBeltran.com to access this offering and rediscover what was once lost!
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Do you feel like you don't quite fit in with this world? Are you drawn to the stars and space? If so, there's a good chance that you're a Starseed!
Listen in and learn all about the types of starseeds, how to discern if you are one, and tips to navigate life as one of these unique souls on the planet.
If you enjoyed this episode of The Intuitive Hour, please consider rating, and reviewing the podcast wherever you listen in. Your feedback helps get the message out to more people just like you! And be sure to click the "Follow" button to get notified when new episodes are released.
You are welcome to access Michelle's FREE Controlled Remote Viewing exercise that will empower you to uncover answers to your burning questions about lost objects, events, or people in the past, present, or future. Visit MichelleBeltran.com to access this offering and rediscover what was once lost!
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
A Guided Meditation to Telepathically Connect With Who You Love
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
It is quite possible, in a telepathic space, to connect with those who you love regardless of distance. Do you desire to send a message, a thought, or some love to someone to let them know you're thinking of them or to inspire communication with them? Then you'll want to listen in to this deeply transformational meditation as Michelle guides you and supports you in calling in the ones you love in this telepathy love meditation.
If you enjoyed this episode of The Intuitive Hour, please consider rating, and reviewing the podcast at Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen. Your feedback helps get the message out to more people just like you! And be sure to click the "Follow" button to get notified when new episodes are released.
You are welcome to access Michelle's FREE Controlled Remote Viewing exercise that will empower you to uncover answers to your burning questions about lost objects, events, or people in the past, present, or future. Visit MichelleBeltran.com to access this offering and rediscover what was once lost!
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
In a commencement speech at Stanford University, Steve Jobs said that intuition is more powerful than intellect. He and so many others have talked about the power of following your gut instinct and how it can lead you to success.
Listen in today as Michelle talks all about that gut feeling, hunch, and that little voice inside your head that is there to support you. You'll learn how to begin listening to this superpower within you and three must-knows to allow it to guide you in your day-to-day life!
If you enjoyed this episode of The Intuitive Hour, please consider rating, and reviewing the podcast wherever you listen in. Your feedback helps get the message out to more people just like you! And be sure to click the "Follow" button to get notified when new episodes are released.
You are welcome to access Michelle's FREE Controlled Remote Viewing exercise that will empower you to uncover answers to your burning questions about lost objects, events, or people in the past, present, or future. Visit MichelleBeltran.com to access this offering and rediscover what was once lost!